Riittävä nesteen saanti on välttämätöntä elimistön toiminnalle ja aineenvaihdunnalle. Vettä tarvitaan lämmönsäätelyyn, ruoansulatukseen, ravintoaineiden imeytymiseen ja kuljettamiseen sekä kuona-aineiden poistoon. Nestettä tarvitaan sekä solujen sisä- että ulkopuolisten toimintojen säätelyyn. Suurin osa kehon nesteistä on solujen sisällä. Pelkkä vesi ei aina imeydy soluihin riittävän tehokkaasti, vaan lisäksi tarvitaan mm. elektrolyyttejä: natriumia, kaliumia, kloridia, magnesiumia ja kalsiumia.

Lisää aiheesta blogeissa.

Meditation | Why You Need to Develop a Mindset Routine

Meditation | Why You Need to Develop a Mindset Routine

Perpetual Motion - It’s an idea that we are obsessed with, especially in the high performance space. It doesn’t matter if it’s business or athletics, we are constantly pushing for more, more time invested, more reps, more mental energy, none stop more. Which is fantastic, because being successful requires a...

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Chocolate Cauliflower Smoothie

Chocolate Cauliflower Smoothie

Cauliflower was named the new ‘IT’ vegetable in 2017 – but that doesn’t stop us from using it in recipes in 2019! We know – adding cauliflowers to smoothies sounds weird, and it’s not a commonly heard ingredient to be used in smoothies. Cauliflower adds good heft to your smoothie...

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Goal Setting | How To Set and Reach Your Goals

Goal Setting | How To Set and Reach Your Goals

Can you remember the first time your teacher asked you to write down what you wanted to be when you grew up? You probably wrote whatever you thought was cool: professional hockey player, astronaut, or bull rider. It was a great exercise and your first foray into the world of...

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Strength Training For Women

Strength Training For Women

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that women are participating in strength and resistance training now more than ever. We are being exposed to more strong women in the media, bombarded with less ridiculous “Thigh Toner 7000s” and seeing more ladies in the weight room owning their strength. As amazing...

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Macronutrients: A Guide

Macronutrients: A Guide

Macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Below is an explanation of each macronutrient and why it is important to incorporate good quality sources of each macronutrient. Daily Meal Checklist: (Do your best to include each of these macros in each meal, the majority of the plate (60-70% should be non-starchy...

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Gingerbread Protein Cookies

Gingerbread Protein Cookies

An easy and light guilt-free holiday cookie that will help you get through those holiday cravings! And when we’re not in holiday season, just choose your new shape (maybe a star?) and continue baking! Prep Time: 4 minutes Ingredients: 7 items Difficulty: Easy Ingredients 1 1/4 cups Almond Flour 1/2 cup...

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BioSteel Holiday Guide

BioSteel Holiday Guide

It is that time of year, we are overwhelmed by holiday parties, big family feasts, social gatherings and endless office Christmas cookies. How can we possibly stick to our health and fitness goals throughout the holiday season? Well, here are some solutions to maintain control during this time of year....

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Protein Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

Protein Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

Ingredients 1 1/2 cups Almond Flour 2 tbsps Cocoa Powder 1/4 tsp Sea Salt 1/4 tsp Baking Soda 3/4 tsp Coconut Oil (melted ) 1/4 cup Maple Syrup 3 Egg 1 Zucchini (medium, grated) 1/2 cup Chocolate Protein Powder Directions 1. Preheat your oven to 350F and line a muffin...

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Protein Peanut Butter Crunch Balls

Protein Peanut Butter Crunch Balls

Ingredients 3/4 cup All Natural Peanut Butter 1/4 cup Maple Syrup 1/4 tsp Sea Salt 3/4 cup Almond Flour 1 cup Rice Puffs Cereal 50 grams Dark Organic Chocolate 1 tsp Coconut Oil 1/4 cup Chocolate Protein Powder Directions 1. In a mixing bowl, mix together the peanut butter, maple...

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