Riittävä nesteen saanti on välttämätöntä elimistön toiminnalle ja aineenvaihdunnalle. Vettä tarvitaan lämmönsäätelyyn, ruoansulatukseen, ravintoaineiden imeytymiseen ja kuljettamiseen sekä kuona-aineiden poistoon. Nestettä tarvitaan sekä solujen sisä- että ulkopuolisten toimintojen säätelyyn. Suurin osa kehon nesteistä on solujen sisällä. Pelkkä vesi ei aina imeydy soluihin riittävän tehokkaasti, vaan lisäksi tarvitaan mm. elektrolyyttejä: natriumia, kaliumia, kloridia, magnesiumia ja kalsiumia.
Lisää aiheesta blogeissa.
Staying On Track When Life Gets Busy
Staying On Track | When Life Gets Busy – Championship Lifestyle When summertime hits, between our off-season hockey program, podcast/breakdowns, and the onslaught of weddings and events – not to mention wanting to enjoy the beautiful weather – it can get pretty tough to get our workouts in. Some of...
BioSteel Breakdown - The Pull-Up
BioSteel Breakdown – THE PULL-UP Why has there always been a debate and notion that it is more difficult for women to do pull-ups? This debate has continued every year in one form or another by different writers or publications. As strength coaches and writers (Championship Lifestyle) – we couldn’t...
Strength Training For Women
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that women are participating in strength and resistance training now more than ever. We are being exposed to more strong women in the media, bombarded with less ridiculous “Thigh Toner 7000s” and seeing more ladies in the weight room owning their strength. As amazing...
Work Day Stretches
If you’re constantly sitting at a desk all day, or moving around heavy equipment, your muscles can become sore, tired, or stiff. There is no quick-fix to these kind of issues, but constantly stretching can greatly reduce your risk of any issues, joint pain, or injuries! Benefits of stretching:...
BioSteel Breakdown- Train Like A Pro
Top 3 Tips From Training Professional Athletes We spend 3 months every year doing our best to help some of the top players in the game become the best version of themselves in the highly competitive landscape of professional hockey. Gone are the days of trading sticks for a...
Workout Nutrition: Pre / Post
Pre-workout considerations: 1. Timing? (morning workout, mid-day, evening, etc.). For example, if you are working out first thing in the morning, it might be tough to stomach an entire large breakfast. A liquid option like a protein shake might be a better option. 2. Intensity? (Heavy weight training, sport specific...
Building a Consistent Gym Routine - Why Aren't You Sticking With It?
Finding consistency at the gym can be a challenge, we lead busy lives and between work, school, family, social engagements there’s not much left over. That’s why creating a routine is so pivotal for finding success in our training, there will always be distractions, but creating a habit will allow...
BioSteel Breakdown - Maximizing Your Workouts - Why You Aren't Seeing Results
If you commit to something long enough there will be times when you don’t feel like being there. It’s okay, those days happen. We’re here to help you avoid them with this week’s breakdown. Pick A Goal “In the long run, we only hit what we aim at.” – Henry...
Biosteel Breakdown - Grip Strength | Why You Need to Develop a Crushing Grip
Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7H8Y5_XKZo&t=149s You would think that having less demand on our day-to-day life is a positive, and in many ways it is. The industrial and technological revolutions have helped save our bodies and in turn freed up time and energy for other pursuits. But, it may not be all Netflix...