Riittävä nesteen saanti on välttämätöntä elimistön toiminnalle ja aineenvaihdunnalle. Vettä tarvitaan lämmönsäätelyyn, ruoansulatukseen, ravintoaineiden imeytymiseen ja kuljettamiseen sekä kuona-aineiden poistoon. Nestettä tarvitaan sekä solujen sisä- että ulkopuolisten toimintojen säätelyyn. Suurin osa kehon nesteistä on solujen sisällä. Pelkkä vesi ei aina imeydy soluihin riittävän tehokkaasti, vaan lisäksi tarvitaan mm. elektrolyyttejä: natriumia, kaliumia, kloridia, magnesiumia ja kalsiumia.

Lisää aiheesta blogeissa.

BioSteel – lähtökohtana kalorittomuus, kofeiinittomuus ja turvalliset raaka-aineet

BioSteel – lähtökohtana kalorittomuus, kofeiinittomuus ja turvalliset raaka-aineet

BioSteel on Pohjois-Amerikan ammattilaisurheilijoiden suosituin urheilujuoma- ja lisäravinne. Tuoteperheellä on sopimus NHL:n kanssa, ja sitä suosivat myös monien muiden urheilulajien ammattilaiset sekä liikunnan harrastajat. Valikoima sisältää urheilujuomia, ravintolisiä, proteiini- ja aminohappovalmisteita, nesteytystuotteita sekä tuotteita urheilutankkaukseen ja palautumiseen. Urheilujuomat sisältävät mm. B-vitamiineja, aminohappoja ja elektrolyyttejä.
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Staying On Track When Life Gets Busy

Staying On Track When Life Gets Busy

Staying On Track | When Life Gets Busy – Championship Lifestyle When summertime hits, between our off-season hockey program, podcast/breakdowns, and the onslaught of weddings and events – not to mention wanting to enjoy the beautiful weather – it can get pretty tough to get our workouts in. Some of...

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BioSteel Breakdown - Growth vs Fixed Mindset

BioSteel Breakdown - Growth vs Fixed Mindset

BioSteel Breakdown – Growth VS. Fixed Mindset In 2006, Carol Dweck, a scientist and researcher at Stanford University published a book titled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, the central idea being that people’s opinions fall on a mindset continuum, with Growth at one end and Fixed at the other....

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Plant-Based Protein : What Are Your Options?

Plant-Based Protein : What Are Your Options?

Yes, protein comes from plants, not just steak! This is a hard concept for a lot of people, but you CAN eat a satisfying meal made up of only plants. The key here is to include variety! You shouldn’t be limited to only meat and potatoes. Not only is it...

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Goal Setting | How To Set and Reach Your Goals

Goal Setting | How To Set and Reach Your Goals

Can you remember the first time your teacher asked you to write down what you wanted to be when you grew up? You probably wrote whatever you thought was cool: professional hockey player, astronaut, or bull rider. It was a great exercise and your first foray into the world of...

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BioSteel Holiday Guide

BioSteel Holiday Guide

It is that time of year, we are overwhelmed by holiday parties, big family feasts, social gatherings and endless office Christmas cookies. How can we possibly stick to our health and fitness goals throughout the holiday season? Well, here are some solutions to maintain control during this time of year....

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Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition

Inflammation should not be just viewed as a “bad” thing it is the natural response to injury or illness that allow us to fight off unwanted substances in the body and speed up the healing process. During exercise and high levels of stress, there are acute levels of inflammation, which...

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Morning Routines | Three Steps to a More Productive and Effective Day

Morning Routines | Three Steps to a More Productive and Effective Day

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. How many of us have heard someone we know walk into a room, sit down with a full body sigh, slump back and utter that statement as if the bed has a right side. They offer it up as a declaration...

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Vitamin C “More than just an Immune Booster”

Vitamin C “More than just an Immune Booster”

We have all heard about Vitamin C (A water-soluble vitamin also known as Ascorbic Acid) playing an important role in boosting our immune system by stimulating white blood cell formation, and it’s true. It does! Active people are continuously calling on their immune systems to assist in recovery in between...

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