Riittävä nesteen saanti on välttämätöntä elimistön toiminnalle ja aineenvaihdunnalle. Vettä tarvitaan lämmönsäätelyyn, ruoansulatukseen, ravintoaineiden imeytymiseen ja kuljettamiseen sekä kuona-aineiden poistoon. Nestettä tarvitaan sekä solujen sisä- että ulkopuolisten toimintojen säätelyyn. Suurin osa kehon nesteistä on solujen sisällä. Pelkkä vesi ei aina imeydy soluihin riittävän tehokkaasti, vaan lisäksi tarvitaan mm. elektrolyyttejä: natriumia, kaliumia, kloridia, magnesiumia ja kalsiumia.

Lisää aiheesta blogeissa.

FAQ for Hydration Mix Athlete Golden Ticket

FAQ for Hydration Mix Athlete Golden Ticket

ATHLETE GOLDEN TICKET TERMS & CONDITIONS *Eligible to all residents age 18+ in the United States (excluding Rhode Island). No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.  Sweepstakes begins 6/24/22 and ends 10/31/22.  Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received during this time. Total of 4 prizes available, each with approximate value of USD $50-$1,500. For official rules and free entry details, go to https://biosteel.com/pages/athlete-golden-ticket.  Sponsor: Biosteel Sports Nutrition,...

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FAQ for Sport Magnesium

FAQ for Sport Magnesium

What kind of magnesium does this product contain? Our BioSteel Sport Magnesium uses dual source magnesium; Dimagnesium Malate + Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate.

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How is your Sports Drink eco-friendly? I love that BioSteel's Sports Drink is eco-friendly! It's recyclable, mindfully sealed with a plant-based cap, BPA/PET free, and made from renewable materials! It's good for you AND the environment!- Brooke Henderson #TeamBioSteel What is the difference between Hydration Mix and the Sports Drink?...

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FAQ for Fermented Leucine

FAQ for Fermented Leucine

Can I take this with other BioSteel products? Yes, all products within our Stackables line are able to be mixed and matched with all BioSteel products.

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FAQ for Fermented Glutamine

FAQ for Fermented Glutamine

Can I take this with other BioSteel products? Yes, all products within our Stackables line are able to be mixed and matched with all BioSteel products.

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FAQ for Zeke Protein

FAQ for Zeke Protein

What is Zeke’s Recovery Protein? Zeke’s Protein is an all-natural, all-in-one, post-workout recovery formula approved by All-Pro Running Back Ezekiel Elliott. It’s a blend of whey protein isolate, whey protein hydrolysate, micellar casein and carbohydrates for optimal muscle repair, and lean muscle development. When should I take Zeke's Recovery Protein? We...

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FAQ for Natural Collagen Whey Protein

FAQ for Natural Collagen Whey Protein

What’s the difference between Natural Collagen Whey Protein and Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)? The main difference between the two products is that the Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) contains whey isolate protein and added amino acids. While Natural Collagen Whey Protein contains a whey concentrate in addition to a collagen hydrolysate.  When should I take Natural...

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FAQ for Sport Collagen

FAQ for Sport Collagen

What is Collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein throughout the body and is a key component to all connective tissues, providing infrastructure of the musculoskeletal system. What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 3 collagen? Type 1 collagen: this collagen is the most abundant type found in...

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Why are BCAA’s important? These essential amino acids are the building blocks for new protein production which help during muscle building.

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