What's In It
Dietary Ingredients
Protein Blend 26 g** (Whey Protein Isolate, Micellar Casein, Whey Protein Hydrolysate), L-Leucine 3000 mg**, L-Glutamine 2100 mg**, Maltodextrin 10 g**, Betaine Anhydrous 500 mg**, Enzyme Blend 100 mg** (Protease, Amylase, Lactase, Cellulase, Lipase), Cinnamon (Bark) Extract 10:1 30 mg**, Ginger (Root) Extract 10:1 25 mg**, Phosphatidylserine 50% 100 mg**.
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
** Daily Value not established.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients
Chocolate: Organic Brown Rice Syrup Solids, Organic Cane Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Natural Flavor, Salt, Stevia (Leaf) Extract, Xanthan Gum, Sunflower Lecithin (emulsifier).
Vanilla: Organic Brown Rice Syrup Solids, Organic Cane Sugar, Natural Flavor, Salt, Stevia (Leaf) Extract, Xanthan Gum, Sunflower Lecithin (emulsifier).
Protein Matrix
Our Recovery Protein Plus Formula, (formally ARF) uses a time delayed release system of 3 types of protein (Whey Isolate, Whey Hydrolysate, Casein) that allows for optimal muscle recovery.
Glycogen Re-Loading Formula
Organic and Non-GMO sources of carbohydrates that replace energy stores (Glycogen) in the body’s muscles.
Recovery Complex
Mix of amino acids (Leucine, Glutamine) which are known to minimize the breakdown of muscles after an intense bout of training or general exercise.
Usein kysytyt kysymykset
What’s the difference between ARF and WPI?
The main difference between the two products is that the Advanced Recovery Formula contains both protein AND carbohydrates. This is ideal for post-workout nutrition because both carbs and protein play an important role in muscle recovery. The added carbs also add more calories to this product which will help with building mass.
In terms of when to use each: we recommend taking the ARF post-workout and the Whey Protein anytime during the day as part of a healthy source of protein in your diet. For example, starting your day with a scoop of whey in a smoothie would make a great tasting and healthy breakfast shake.
When should I take ARF?
We recommend consuming the ARF immediately following a workout in order to take in key nutrients to help kick start recovery.
Why are there carbs in ARF?
The carbs in ARF are there to replenish glycogen stores (energy stores in muscles) after an intense workout.
Energia 250 kcal
Rasva 1 g
josta tyydyttynyttä 0,21 g
Hiilihydraatit 38 g
joosta sokereita 17 g
Proteiini 24 g
Ravintokuitu 0 g
Suola 470 mg
Natrium 230 mg
Kalium 97 mg
Kalsium 181 mg
Annoksen (72 g) sisältämät aminohapot
Alaniini 1230 mg, arginiini 578 mg, Asparagiinihappo 2499 mg, kystiini 469 mg, glutamiinihappo 6099 mg, glysiini 449 mg, histidiini** 382 mg, isoleusiini** 1505 mg, leusiini** 5417 mg, lysiini** 2053 mg, metioniini** 505 mg, fenyylialaniini** 799 mg, proliini 1679 mg, seriini 1198 mg, treoniini** 1619 mg, tryptofaani 254 mg, tyrosiini 740 mg, valiini 1442 mg
**välttämättömät aminohapot
Proteiinisekoitus 26 g **, (heraproteiini-isolaatti, misellaarinen kaseiini, heraproteiinihydrolysaatti), L-leusiini 3000 mg **, L-glutamiini 2100 mg **, maltodekstriini 10 g **, kidevedetön betaiini 500 mg **, entsyymisekoitus 100 mg **, (proteaasi, amylaasi, laktaasi, sellulaasi, lipaasi), kaneliuute 10:1 30 mg **, inkivääriuute 10:1 25 mg **, fosfatidyyliseriini 50% 100 mg **
Muut ainesosat
Luomu täysjyväriisisiirappijauhe, luomu ruokosokeri, luonnollinen aromi, suola, stevia, ksantaanikumi, auringonkukkalesitiini (emulgointiaine).
Valmistettu tehtaassa, jossa käsitellään myös seesamia, maapähkinää, pähkinää, soijaa, kananmunaa, kala- ja äyriäisöljyä sekä vehnätuotteita.
Suositeltu käyttö
Aikuisille: Sekoita 2 mitallista (72 g) kerran päivässä 2,5-5 dl:aan haluamaasi kylmää juomaa. Voit säätää nesteen määrää saavuttaaksesi haluamasi maun ja koostumuksen.