Tukee lihasten korjaantumista*

Auttaa rakentamaan kiinteää lihasmassaa*

Tukee lihasten proteiinisynteesiä*
What's In It
Whey Protein Isolate, Cocoa Powder, Natural Flavor, Sunflower Lecithin, Xanthan Gum, Stevia (Leaf) Extract, Salt. Contains: Milk
Whey Protein Isolate, Natural Flavor, Sunflower Lecithin, Xanthan Gum, Stevia (Leaf) Extract, Salt. Contains: Milk
*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Usein kysytyt kysymykset
What is the difference between Recovery Protein Plus and Whey Protein Isolate?
Recovery Protein Plus provides a combination of three sources of protein, including whey protein isolate, along with carbohydrates, recovery factors and enzymes. It's the go-to product for post workout recovery, especially for those who take part in high endurance activity. Whey Protein Isolate provides 28 g of protein per serving, from whey protein isolate and nothing else. Whey Protein Isolate is a highly purified form of dairy protein that delivers a high dose of protein with less carbs, fat and lactose and is great for post work-out muscle support and repair. Whey Protein Isolate is commonly well tolerated by those who experience gastrointestinal disturbance with dairy based protein.
When should I take WPI?
WPI can be taken at any time during the day as a healthy source of protein. It can also be used after a workout if one is following a low carb diet.
Is there any sugar in WPI?
The WPI does not contain any sugar and is sweetened with natural Stevia leaf.
Energia 130 kcal
Rasva 0.5 g
josta tyydyttynyttä 0,4 g
Hiilihydraatit 4 g
joista sokereita 2 g
Proteiini 28 g
Suola 0,1 g
Natrium 150 mg
Kalium 111 mg
Kalsium 98 mg
Annoksen (34 g) sisältämät aminohapot
Alaniini 1310 mg, arginiini 726 mg, Asparagiinihappo 2754 mg, kysteiini 551 mg, glutamiinihappo 4663 mg, glysiini 481 mg, histidiini** 467 mg, isoleusiini** 1503 mg, leusiini** 2833 mg, lysiini** 2486 mg, metioniini** 601 mg, fenyylialaniini** 822 mg, proliini 1519 mg, seriini 1331 mg, treoniini** 1822 mg, tryptofaani 438 mg, tyrosiini 763 mg, valiini** 1532 mg
**Välttämättömät aminohapot
Heraproteiini-isolaatti (maidosta), luontainen aromi, auringonkukkalesitiini, ksantaanikumi, makeutusaine (stevioglykosidit), suola.
Sisältää maitoa. . Valmistettu tehtaassa, jossa käsitellään myös seesamia, maapähkinää, pähkinää, soijaa, kananmunaa, kala- ja äyriäisöljyä sekä vehnätuotteita.
Suositeltu käyttö
Aikuisille: 1-2 mitallista (34 g)/päivä. Sekoita 1 mitallinen jauhetta 2,5-5 dl haluamaasi kylmää juomaa. Voit säätää nesteen määrää saavuttaaksesi mieleisesi maun ja koostumuksen.